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Wacky Wizard Games Imprint and Three New Games Announced by @wwizardgames

Wise Wizard Games announced the launch of Wacky Wizard Games, a new brand imprint focused on family-friendly, lightweight games. Three games are planned for release in 2024 as part of this new brand imprint: Star Realms Academy, Caution Signs, and Pack the Essentials. If you are interested and attending PAX Unplugged they will have prototypes of Caution Signs and Pack the Essentials. "We are super excited to be adding this new family friendly product line to our catalog. We wanted to maintain the focus of Wise Wizard Games on strategy card and dice games with geeky themes, and have created Wacky Wizard Games as an umbrella for lightweight games with a more whimsical, cute vibe," shared Debbie Moynihan, COO of Wise Wizard Games. Star Realms Academy Forge your own star realms, overloaded with cuteness! A kid friendly but still fun for grown-ups version of the popular Star Realms deckbuilding game for 2 players. A little less math, no reading necessary, but still tons of fun! 

BatWatch Reviews: @DCComics Red Hood and the Outlaws #24

Here is today's Guest Reviews by Jeremy Sims from Batwatch for DC's Red Hood and the Outlaws #24. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #24 - Shakedown

Jason Todd now leads the League of Assassins against the Untitled and his former teammates. But the true power is within the Lazarus Pit in the City of Assassins. What will it unleash?


League of Assassins

I hate to say this because James Tynion IV follows me on Twitter and has always been friendly to me, so I'm just going to hope he doesn't read this one. However, I have to be honest with these reviews, and I hate this series since he took it over. It was with a profound sense of obligation that I read this the other day, and I disliked the process from beginning to end.

Look, the entire All Caste/Untitled mythology is an ill defined mess. I have no idea what these baddies can even do or why they do it, so the fight which makes up a good part of the issue is completely boring. Nothing interesting has been done with Jason's since the mind wipe. He just seems like a little kid unsure of what to do and basically directionless. Roy, who I used to like, has become annoyingly whiny. Starfire has been even further relegated to the position of eye candy. The art is not great though I will give props that it seems to have improved over the last several issues. The reveal at the end was seen by everybody from fifty miles away.

Mostly, things just happen in this arc. To be fair, it's occasionally a cool thing that just happens, but it seems kind of like when I was a kid and would get every single action figure out and make up stuff as I went along. There are some cool things, but mostly, it's shallow chaos.

I love you James! Keep up the great work on everything else!

Read the rest of Jeremy Sims' review on Batwatch

Images Unplugged Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4
Art, Colors & Inking - 3
Layout & Flow - 4
Story - 4
Verdict - 3.7 (7.5/10)
 - (Buy Red Hood and the Outlaws #24) SAVE 10%

Purchase DC Comics
Jeremy Sims is a blogger at https://batwatch.squarespace.com/ and a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of these reviews has been authorized by the original author.


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